Do the job, to get the job
Recruiters want candidates who show up informed and committed. Impress them by joining our app-based simulations competition.
Our competitions have helped students from…
Participate to give yourslf an edge in the job market
Experience in performing a real-world workplace task. Think of it as remote work experience in climate roles.
Understand the role of a consultant, why you’d be good in the role, and how to pitch your candidacy.
Get an edge over dozens or hundreds of applicants and differentiate yourself with in-demand consulting skills.
Create a simulation “work portfolio” that you can share with recruiters, so they know you’re job-ready.
Our Competitions
We will host regular regional and global competitions throughout the year to give aspiring climate professionals real-world competitive climate simulation experience.
Climate Consulting
Product Sustainability
Sustainable Finance
Climate Policy
How the case simulation works
Over 5 days, complete real-world consulting tasks surrounding a real-world business implementation of sustainability.
Use the same process carried out by top consulting firms.
Designed by our Co-Founder, and ex-BCG consultant.
All enabled in Voiz Academy’s new upskilling platform
Our Next Competition
We are excited to be launching our first Case-Simulation Challenge in the UK for Spring 2025 in collaboration with 180 Degrees Consulting.
Register your interest now!
Not in the UK for our next competition? Sign up for updates on our next competition, sponsors and extra competition content.